
The chill can be

kind of cruel

for it generally

reminds me

of your



even the sun

and its piercing rays

for I remember

these words

I speak:

“your sight”

the dust

on our center


marks where



rests as you try to

reach my


and the engine oil spill

on garage

and your gruesome hard work

and our puppy

for your daily poop

clean up

and the leaves hanging

from neighbor’s

Mango tree

your clatter collection

and never I forget

the house key

and your kisses on my


every time I left

it inside the locked house

especially this

office carbon paper

and the poetry

I dedicated

to this love

(and the day dreaming)

these all reminds me

of this love

love which will





16th of June 2012

©2012 J.B.T.

17 thoughts on “Reminders

  1. I’m having problems with paragraph spacing, as you can see in this piece, each thought wasn’t separated by space for the reason I don’t really know. I was placing proper spacing as I write it but after clicking the Publish button, it turned out that way, continuous bunch of words.. I can’t achieve the proper pauses I intended to portray so kindly help me 😦

    • hey i too had same..so sometimes I opty to add images in between to space the paras. or else..give more spacing in the drafts..iearound 5-6 times more than usual..u will get it. 🙂

    • thank you dear David, you know how I love that to happen, but I think I still need to maintain the consistency of writing before that demanding publishing stuff occur, you know how hard it is for me to write especially when poetic impulses are sleeping on my system…Someday, it will happen, hopefully.. hehe 🙂

    • thank you dear Deb, although I didn’t get the format that I intended to make, still happy that you liked my little love letters 🙂 all the hugs in the world sent to you-Jam 🙂

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